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Birding and my Bionic Ear

I have been recording nocturnal migrants from my yard since the fall of 2012.  Although I have pretty good hearing, I need my sleep, and so in 2012 I invested in a parabolic reflector, a mic, and a recorder to do the work for me. Every morning, spring and fall, I check the voicemails to […]

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Greater  Yellowlegs, Powder Mill Pond, Hancock September 3 2015

The Kevin Costner approach to birding – build it and they will come (or at least let the water out)

As luck would have it, rock worm have been having a field day with the Monadnock Paper Mill dam on the Contoocook River. This dam is responsible for creating Powder Mill Pond, which is a fine pond for birding under normal circumstances. But for the second fall in five years, the pond has been drained […]

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