Great Thrush Flight Last Night
Nocturnal migration has been fairly quiet since I started recording on August 1, though there has been decent diversity with a good showing of early season Cape May and Bay-breasted Warblers. Last night (August 17) produced a great dawn thrush flight with more than 100 thrush call notes in four short minutes, mostly Veery but […]
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Star Island – six major rarities in nine years
What will 2022 bring? To sign up for spring or fall, go to starisland.org
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Most migrant birds are insectivores and won’t arrive until the bugs come out. Insects are not on the menu for early season arrivals, including waterfowl and some species of raptors and vultures, which is why they are early season arrivals! Taken last Wednesday March 20 2019 along the Connecticut River Valley in Walpole. Be sure […]
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I flew to Nashville via Chicago on Friday. The plane overflew some of my favorite birding haunts along the Connecticut River, from Charlestown to Walpole. I had planned on taking a day next week to check them out. Waterfowl should be starting to move north very soon. St. Patricks Day is peak (apparently the venerable […]
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