A few pictures from a classic day of fall birding on Star Island, October 16 2011, with Alan Bostick, Zeke Cornell, Paul Dionne, and Mik Oyler. Except for island caretakers, we had the place to ourselves.
Within an hour of arriving, Mik Oyler had found a blue grosbeak. Three individual wrens seen during the course of the day, one each of sedge, marsh, and winter. No chipping sparrows seen, but still one clay-colored sparrow found. All the while gannets diving close offshore. Just as we are departing, a yellow-headed blackbird arrives off the sea and mass exodus from the boat as everyone scrambles to get the bird and back on the boat so captain can make 4:30pm Patriots Game. Weather permitting, trip next weekend and the last of the year the following weekend, day to be decided based oon weather. Max five persons each, $55pp.
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