Harris Center/NH Audubon Waterfowl Safari

A return of freezing weather kept the numbers of waterfowl down today for the annual duck patrol. Two groups, comprising about 30 people, covered the CT river from Hinsdale to Charlestown, recording a paltry total of 12 species of waterfowl, but a new one for the NH CT River Valley this year – Greater White-fronted Goose.  Likely the same birds reported about a week earlier from Vernon VT by Dave Johnson, a flock of four birds flew north about 50 feet above our heads while we were standing in Victor Malnati’s back field.  We were alerted to them first by call. They continued north, and to our pleasant surprise, put down again in Fisk Meadow in Charlestown, NH. The rough-legged hawk continued, and we saw at least five different bald eagles, including two imms and an adult.  A rare visit by Bob Quinn to the area was a pleasant surprise also.

Four Greenland Greater White-fronted Geese, Charlestown, NH.

Four Greenland Greater White-fronted Geese, Charlestown, NH.

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