Great time to look for buntings, larks, and longspurs

I had a heck of a time finding the flock of approximately 1,000 snow buntings in Walpole on January 7th when there was relatively little snow on the ground (, so one would think that with reduced numbers of birds hiding their whiteness in ever more snow, finding them would be an order of magnitude harder.   The opposite is the case.  With such deep cover preventing the birds from foraging for seeds, they are forced to what open ground they can find, and as anyone living in NH or nearby knows, there is not much of that.  So expect to see them foraging along roadsides.  Farmyards are also a good bet, as are freshly disturbed silage or manure piles, where the birds can access food.  Farmers are actively spreading manure right now, so look for dark patches in white fields, and then scan with your binoculars.  If you live near agricultural fields, clear a little ground near your bird feeder and throw some seed on the ground.  Dont be surprised if you get a pleasant surprise.

Male Snow Bunting, Walpole January 29th

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