Pink-footed Goose track

Rare Goose Sightings, Spring 2011.

Rare Goose Sightings, Spring 2011.

Rare geese are a great way to track migration. The pink-footed goose seen in NJ turned up in NH two weeks later. Additionally, four Greater White-fronted Geese (race unspecified) were seen March 11 60 miles to the southwest of the Pink-footed goose location.  Four Greater White-fronted Geese of the Greenland race were seen on March 19 in Vernon VT. While GWFG are far less rare than pink-footed goose, a group of four is still significantly rare (geese often travel in family groups) and thus I think it probable that these two records also refer to the same birds. The line above is the shortest distance between points, and should not be interpreted as the pink-footed goose flightpath. Any bets on its next stop?

One Response to “Pink-footed Goose track”

  1. Bill Elrick April 5, 2011 at 9:17 am #

    You can check out all my PF goose photos from NJ here on my blog space.
    Bill Elrick

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