recent sightings (xbill, rough-leg etc), December 2010

A couple of sightings and pics of late.  The returning drake Barrow’s Goldeneye at Vernon Dam, a cracking bird.

Barrow's Goldeneye, bottom left. Hinsdale NH

I got an email from Ed in Troy who sent me pictures of the following.  He kindly allowed me to visit on the morning of December 17th.  Beautiful young male, assorting with a few house finches, present for at least two weeks.

White-winged Crossbill, Troy NH

And finally, a shot from Great Bay of the enormous greater scaup flock.  The flock, numbering between 1 and 2,000, makes quite a sound when taking off, leaving the water strewn with beautifully vermiculated feathers (they make up the “gray” on the scaup’s mantle).

Greater Scaup, Great Bay

Two rough-legged hawks seen on the Keene Christmas Bird Count were welcome.  Seen in exactly the same spot where four turned up a few years ago, the fields just south of the sugar house.  I likely had a third in the large field atop Old Walpole Road, but the view was too poor.

rough-legged hawk, westmoreland

Dark-morph rough-legged hawk, westmoreland

Dark-morph rough-legged hawk, Westmoreland

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