Yet more buntings!

Its not often that one sees snow buntings in a tree!  Although they are a member of the super order Passeriformes (perching birds in English), they dont often perch, a consequence of living much of their lives in the largely treeless and thus perchless tundra.


Perhaps the 12 days of Christmas should substitute snow bunting for partridge - at least as likely and more seasonal.

A large flock (about 175 today) continues to feed on birdseed out back of Walpole Agway (thanks to Alan Johnson for the original heads-up on this).  Also about 50 horned larks, and another 70 in Boggy Meadows Farm.

The Hinsdale Waterfowl Roost continues to host a wintering coot and pied-billed grebe, as well as the pair of Barrow’s Goldeneye.

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